Posted: September 9, 2015
Present: M. Meyer, Holthaus, Langreck.
Absent: E. Meyer, Bushman.
Zak Kriener from the Ossian Bee was present during the meeting as well as Don Dilaura.
Mayor Covell called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
Officer Ward reported: the investigation concerning the case involving a bad check writing campaign in our area is still being actively pursued; monitoring speeding vehicles has been a priority; Officer Hageman has started his training at the police academy in Johnston.
Holthaus made a motion approving the following consent items August 3, 2015 council minutes, clerk’s reports and the monthly bills, seconded by M. Meyer, carried, two absent.
M. Meyer made a motion amending John Logsdon’s building permit approved at the August 3, 2015 council meeting, seconded by Langreck, carried, two absent.
Austin Covell updated the Mayor and Council on the progress being made with his Eagle Scout Project.
M. Meyer made a motion approving a $500.00 contribution to Austin Covell to be used toward his Eagle Scout Project, seconded by Holthaus, carried, two absent.
The Mayor and Council reviewed a list of properties where nuisance issues may exist; junk vehicles, dilapidated sheds, excess weeds, appliances, debris, etc. Discussion followed with the city clerk being directed to send letters asking property owners to take care of the nuisances existing on their property.
M. Meyer made a motion approving the renewal of Blooms on Main Class B Native Wine Permit, seconded by Holthaus, carried, two absent.
Langreck made a motion approving Corrpor Waterworks Contract-Plan C for the inspection of the cathodic protection corrosion control equipment in the water tower, seconded by M. Meyer, carried, two absent.
The city clerk reported the City is working with the IDOT to have two flashing beacons installed on the “School Ahead” signs located in proximately to the school crossings on Hwy 52, the city attorney has begun working on the City’s Urban Revitalization Plan and the City Code of Ordinances is now available on the city’s web-site.
M. Meyer made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Holthaus, carried, two absent. Meeting adjourned at 6:10 p.m
August 2015 Expenses
- Acentek-phone/internet charges 454.09
- Aflac-employee deduction 161.52
- Alliant Energy-electric utilities 5961.45
- Baker & Taylor-library books 251.39
- Becker Hardware-services & repair 738.28
- Beckmans Ace Hdwe-misc.supp/rep 6.99
- Black Hills Energy-gas utilities 157.32
- Brian Zweibohmer-mtg reimb 34.20
- Cardmember Service-library supp. 96.00
- Casey’s-vehicle operations 380.34
- City Laundering-services 84.74
- Collection Service Ctr- employ.deduct. 990.00
- Crabtree Publishing-library book 25.37
- Darrell Austin-bus driving 548.00
- Demco-library supplies 139.42
- DNR-NPDES permit fee 210.00
- Don Dilaura-mtgs& supp. reimb. 259.53
- Farmers Union Coop-vehicle operations 176.78
- Fayette Publishing-publication fee 175.49
- Hawkins-operating supplies 15.00
- Holiday Inn Express-mtg lodging 223.90
- ICAP-insurance 217.10
- IIW Engineers-services 2844.00
- Iowa Library Services-service fee 67.25
- IPERS-Aug. Ipers 2013.13
- John Deer Financial-maint supplies 447.02
- Kalen Meyer-bus driving 47.25
- Keystone Lab-lab fees 359.00
- Kyle Meyer-services 650.00
- Luana Savings Bank-h.s.a.pymt & fees 310.00
- Malcom Enterprises-garbage service 5016.00
- Midwest Geographical-GIS mapping 900.00
- Midwest Tape-videos 137.48
- Mr. Computers-tech services 65.00
- Municipal Supply-supplies 214.15
- Omnisite-wireless service 145.94
- Ossian Lumber Co-supplies 27.80
- Post Office-postage 154.35
- Ossian Library-petty cash reimb 77.71
- Postville Vet Clinic-UPS chgs 49.50
- Riley’s-supplies 192.89
- IRS-Aug. Federal deposit 3733.19
- U.S. Cellular-phones & services 93.70
- Wellmark-insurance premium 1824.90
- August payroll 8084.96
Total 38762.13
August 2015 Expenses by Fund
- General 20008.15
- Road Use 2214.84
- Employee Benefits 842.57
- Local Option Tax 2844.00
- Water 5388.38
- Sewer 7464.19
Total 38762.13
August 2015 Receipts
- General 13956.25
- Road Use Tax 11704.52
- Employee Benefits 4.04
- Emergency 0.68
- Local Option Tax 7924.64
- Library Trust 100.00
- Debt Service 4.12
- Water 10802.65
- Sewer 11691.70
Total 56188.60